The Medicare advantage organizations are insurance companies
that contract with Medicare to provide Medicare benefits pursuant to part C of
the medical care law, 42 U.S.C. 130 9W-20 1A1. Although the Medicare secondary
payer act law applies to Medicare advantage plans a recent Federal District
Court decision in Pennsylvania held, as many have argued, that Medicare
advantage plan being purely insurance agreements affording benefits equivalent
to Medicare did not fall within the statute and regulations governing the
Medicare liens. Humana v. Glaxo SmithKline 2011 US Dist. Lexis 63544 (E.D. Pa.
June 13, 2011). Instead the District Court held, any right of recovery by MAO
depends on the language in the insurance policy and applicable state law. Under
this analysis, under Georgia law a Medicare advantage plan would occupy no
greater status than an ordinary group plan i.e. is not permitted to subrogate
against primary payer's, and the right of reimbursement from a beneficiary
under the plan is subject to the made whole doctrine and the other provisions
of OCGA 33-24-56.1. Although the Humana case involved a great deal of money,
and it is a very well reasoned opinion, it does not appear to be a reported
decision. Thus, under local rules of the Northern District of Georgia, its
value as precedent is subject to question. Nevertheless, there is a great deal
written about this decision, though the case itself is not appealed. Generally,
plaintiff lawyers appeared to be responding to notices for Medicare advantage
plan by taking the position that it is not entitled to the traditional Medicare
lien, and will be treated like a health insurer seeking reimbursement pursuant
to Georgia law. There is no reason to think that claims of lien pursuant to
Medicare part D affording prescription benefits should be treated any differently
than a Medicare advantage plan, since
Medicare part D similarly underwritten by insurers that contract with the
government.Contact a Paulding county lawyer today for help with your case.